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Some people are amazed, or carried away whenever they see, receive or acquire some things, especially, when it comes to things they have never receive or seen before. It is a very good attitude to show appreciation when we receive gifts. I once attended a birthday celebration organized and sponsored by a friend of mine in my honour, and to my amazement, I saw elaborate display of splendour, all in my honour, the kind I never witnessed in my previous birthday celebrations. I must confess that I was really touched.

Show Appreciation, John 1: 45-50

Philip saw something that he couldn’t contain in himself alone. He knew he must release some to others. But for some of us, when we receive more than enough, we find it difficult to share with others. Instead, we consume everything, enriching ourselves, building empires and kingdoms. Often times some of us that claimed to be good mimic those we assume that made their wealth in dubious ways, yet this people with their ill-gotten wealth help people more than some of us. Brethren, are we not called to be pace setters?

Philip went to Nathaniel and said to him, this is not a cooked up story, a joke or a fairy tale but a reality. We have found whom Moses and the prophets wrote about, Jesus of Nazareth. To Nathaniel it was unbelievable, amazing and stunning that the messiah of the world would come out from an obscure place like Nazareth . This led him to ask a question that had formed a contentious issue to many contemporary preachers of the gospel, Can anything good come out of Nazareth ?” We don’t have to blame Nathaniel for asking such a question. It is of a truth that question such as that comes when the unexpected happens.

Many have been written off in their families and in the society. Some countries are not known because they are not endowed with natural resources, technology, man-power etc. However, they shall be recognized, applauded, embraced, visited, discussed and talked about by all when unfathomable and unusual good things begin to take place in their lives and environs.

An Israelite once said that what they lack in natural resources, they have in human resources. You too can discover your latent potentials, and one day your home shall become a place of pilgrimage of sort. The Bible says in James 1: 17, “Every good and perfect gift cometh from God.”

Nathaniel is a man who loves to see and associate with good things. Many have rejected the perfect gift of God, the gospel and His Son Jesus Christ because of racial or class problem. Christians must do away with racism, tribalism and dichotomy which are trying to dominate the church. Apostle Paul said in the book of 1 Cor. 3: 6, “I planted the seed but Apollos watered, both of us are nothing except the Lord that makes the seed to grow”.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, brought up and trained in Nazareth . His presence in Nazareth was unique and splendid; this gave name, prestige, honour to Nazareth . In fact, it was the presence of Jesus Christ in Nazareth that made Nazareth a centre of attraction. The calibre of people who wouldn’t have visited Nazareth till their death, including Nathaniel, went there to see Jesus.

On their arrival, there was a word of knowledge concerning Nathaniel “This is true Israelites, in whom there is nothing false” “How do you know me?” Nathaniel Asked. Jesus replied, “I saw you while you where still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” This brief interaction and word of knowledge stupefied Nathaniel, who there and then acknowledged and confessed that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. Jesus said to him, “You believed because I told you I saw you under the fig tree, greater things than these will you see”.

Beloved, I don’t know what made you to believe in Jesus today, but I am declaring to you now that if it is by miracle, healing, deliverance, financial open door, or spiritual illumination, you are going to witness greater things than these.

Nathaniel paid Jesus a courtesy visit and remained with Him. Some have visited Jesus and have gone back forever, some to their former stupid way of life as drunks, drug addicts, adulterers, fornicators, liars, unbelief and mischievous life. Jesus said in John 15: 5-7, “if we remain in him and asked anything it shall be done for us.” Additionally, our being with him will cause us to bear fruits. Nathaniel remained in Jesus and bore fruits.

Secondly, he saw and witnessed many miracles performed by Jesus, being one of the first batches of the disciples of Jesus. He saw Jesus turned water to wine, walked on the sea, heal the sick, brought the dead back to life, and fed five thousand people with five loafs of bread and two fishes. He also preached the gospel and witnessed amazing miracles that accompanied their ministrations. To be factual, the heaven was opened on his behalf and he saw angels of God ascending and descending on the son of man JESUS, as prophesied to him by Jesus at the beginning. He also died for what he believed in, which is to say that he defended the gospel to the end.

Beloved, your faith in God today can take you round the world, making you a unique, special and illustrious personality. A man who is diligent in his work, calling and area of specialization, will serve with noble people. Your diligence will distinguish you and separate you from nonentities and ordinary people. We should therefore learn not to despise our little beginning, because a journey of 100 miles begins with a step.

No one is exempted in Gods programme for blessing. He causes the sun to rise on the good and the evil, and sends the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. He blesses us beyond expectations when we obey and trust him beyond imaginations (Matt 5:45 ).

People, odd circumstances or bad conditions or even Satan may tell you that you are done for but, beloved, I say to you that all their assumptions are foolishness in Gods sight, for   God’s foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom (1 Cor. 1:25; 1 Cor. 3:19).

I have seen and heard of hardened criminals, sinners, notorious armed rubbers and drug addicts change through the power in the word of God. Therefore, your situation shall not be an exception. Something good can still come out of you.






Have you ever imagined, why in spite of all the fires of Evangelism, Crusades, and prayers, burning yet there are no much result? Millions of dollar had been invested in Evangelism and the propagation of the Gospel but with little result. The gospel is being preached 24 hours on the Television, Internet, Magazines and Radio Stations without much impact. We speak in tongues, shout and sing, yet, after all nothing much happen. Often Situations seem adamant.

Was it not in this world that Peter prayed for a dead person and he came back to life? (Act 9:34-41).

Elijah was a man like us. He prayed that it would not rain and it didn’t for three and half years. And he prayed again and God gave rain (James 5:17). It was also in this world that Elijah prayed and God came down and consumed his sacrifice, and the materials for the sacrifice, including the wood, the stone, and the soil and also licked up the water in the trench? (1 Kings 18:36-38).

Was it not in this world that the people of God prayed for one of their colleagues who was arrested and imprisoned, chained in both hands, yet God heard their prayers and sent one of his angels and rescued him (Act 12:1-11).

Paul and Silas prayed and every ones chains got loosed, theirs and that of other prison inmates who were busy listening to them, none was exempted (Acts 16: 23 -26).

It not in this world that a man prayed that his enemies should become blind, and God struck them with blindness and at his leisure he prayed again that God should restore their sight and God did it (1 kings 6:17-20).

It Is in this world that a man stretched out his hand against a man of God and his hand shrived. He couldn’t return his hand until the man of God prayed that God should restore the hand (1 kings 13 :4-6).

It is in this world that, under the influence of the power of God, a man ran ahead of one who drove off before him with what was known to be the fastest means of transportation of the time (1 king 18-46).

It is in this world that some youths mocked and provoked a man of God by calling him bare headed and he, in annoyance caused them in the name of God and two bears came out and devoured fourty two of them instantly (2 kings 3-23-24).

It is in this world that a man called down fire from heaven and it consumed people that have no respect for God and his servant (2 king 1:9-15).

It is in this world that a man’s way pleased the Lord and God honoured him by not allowing him to  see death. God sent a heavenly chariot of fire that convered him alive to heaven (2 Kings 2:11-12).

It is  also in this world that a man spoke to an unproductive land and it become productive (2 Kings 2:19-22).

 It is in this world also, that a barren woman prayed for a male child and it was given to her accordingly (1 Sam. 1 :10-20).

It is in this world that a woman and her people prayed and fasted for three days and the death sentenced passed against them was reversed (Esther 4:15-16, 17; 7:8-10).

It is in this world that a man prayed and the enemies who rose against him from every corner became confused and began to kill one another (2 Chro. 20:1-24).

It is also in this world that the church prayed when they were ask to stop preaching about Jesus, and the place where they were meeting was shaken and they all were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke the world of God boldly (Act 4 :21).

All these are incredible and indeed great challenges to our generation. Yet, I may not be able to exhaust all the  incredible things done by God through feeble men like us. Permit me to use this opportunity to ask what is happening to our generation?

One of the things i know that are killing our generation is negligence. Just few are concerned with the awkwardness of the church, acquisition of post and material things have made many to loose focus of the divine calling. Our Governments are far behind in the welfare of its citizenries. This generation seem to be self-seeking, unethical, uncivilised, unprofessional, undemocratic and un theocratic.

Most times we go about things that do not count and are too busy with ourselves that it will only take God’s special intervention to draw us close again. Because of this God sometimes allows us to fall into some situations that will help to brush, remould and prepare us for better tomorrow.


Moses wondered why the bush was on fire but yet left un-burnt. As Moses went closer to find out the mystery behind this unusual happening, he heard the voice of God for the first time in his life. The church needs to wake up from her slumber because the voice of God is calling.

A voice never cries out in the wilderness in vain. When John the Baptist cried in the desert he said “PREPARE.” Church needs to prepare for the great task ahead. Our generation is rotting and we must stand up to the challenge.

It is certain that most of us have not had this kind of experience before, God speaking audibly to us the way he spoke to Moses. Notwithstanding, we have his word all the time, and blessed are those who have not seen but believed (John 20:29 ).

Secondly, Instead of using his veto power against the enemies of the Israelites, Moses was equipped with the power of God. More so, was taught on how to exercise it. God knows we are in the world that seek for signs and wonders and that is why he did not leave us without empowering us (Luke 10:19 ).

And lastly, he was taught about holiness which goes with humility (James 4:10 ; 1 peter 5:5-6). Indeed, there was a pronouncement and demand for holiness by the creator of heaven and the earth (Exodus 3: 1-5). For things to become normal again in this generation, we need to be Holy, for Bible says, without Holiness no eye can see God (Hebrew 12:14 ). Solomon said in Proverb 14:34 , righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace. God is calling for total submission and Holiness. Most of us have derailed from the divine vision and are compromising our faith, embracing the standard of the world. We must repent and come back to our divine calling.





What is vision?

Vision is what makes people move forward in everyday life endeavour, any one without vision is like somebody driving, who left his home without any agenda, destination and some thing in mind to accomplish. Bible says in the book of Isaiah 5: 13 the people without vision perished.

Vision is a driving force that propels people to be focused and this can be of divine or human. Human vision can be explained as an individual or collective strong imagination about the future, a set out goal, an aspiration, while divine vision is inspired of God. Peter before he surrendered his will and life to Jesus Christ, was a fisher man, a business that doesn’t gives him much relief, he was able to reach out to few people with his products, most especially within his locality,

Jesus came and introduced to him another vision that will make his life more meaningful; that is being a fisher of men, this is a business that will take him to Nations, Kingdoms, Rulers, Kings, Erudite, and high profiled and Influential Personalities in the societies

Mundane Peter accepted the offer and at the same time was ready to offer everything, as he pledges taking his new product, the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ far and wide, Peter vowed to give his life if it calls for that like wise other disciples vowed the same. (Matth. 26:33-35).

After the resurrection of Jesus, it was time for him to face the reality of life, things weren’t normal again, no more physical getting together again with the master Jesus as usual, no more sharing of bread like before, no more walking along with master Jesus on the sea, or to unique places like the mount of transfiguration, in a nutshell Peter seemed lonely and alone, He must have had enough of this loneliness coupled together with other disciples, that he exploded; I AM GOING OUT TO FISH,

Other disciples followed suit, the precious business they were called for was abandoned as they lost focus of the divine vision and commission.


They are certain elements that make people to lose focus on their vision, depression is one of them which may comes as a result of delayed expectance, fear and doubt go together, because as we begin to imagine the impossibility of fulfilling our vision it creates a chance for lost of confidence and assurance.

The consequences were too grievous when Peter and other disciples lost out from the divine vision and commission.

These were experts in fishing, who know all the nooks and cranny, the where and how to launch into the deep and get what they need, but their disobedience to divine commission landed them in disappointment, bible says


Life will never be easy when we derailed from the divine vision; we will suffer in vain without result and achievement, and may end up in total disappointment,

Many people of God are at the wrong place at the right time, many lives are full of struggles just because they are completely out of the will of God, His divine vision, purpose and calling.


Thank God for He will never allow us to loose out totally, neither shall he allows his people to suffer shame, He is always close and near to put us in order, and to chisel us the way we should go and be profitable, when we derailed or deviate, as long our heart is focused on Him

At the peek of being disappointed in their endeavour to earn a living, Jesus came and gave them a miracle, at that point in time Peter and the disciples caught a number of fish they were unable to haul into the boat.

Beloved at the pick of what shall I do, what shall I say, where shall I go? Jesus is always close to gives a sense of direction 

Yes it’s of a truth that the race is not of the swift neither the battle to the strong but by the mercy of God, bible also declared that it is not by power nor by might but by the spirit of the God, Ecc 9:11,Amos 2:14-15  Zach 4:6;Our struggle for survival and success dose not depend only on our ability to reason, comprehend and to produce, we really need divine intervention; (God) if we ignored this, we may be making mistakes that will be too difficult to correct again in life. There is no need to cover our weaknesses: We need to open up when necessary.





It is evident that many of us have imbibed the strategy and culture of covering up in business, marriages, and academics and in the Christian Dom. Just like what is said in the book of Rev. 3: 1, some people have the reputation of being alive but are dead; because of the corrupt nature of our present society, to circumvent insults, let down and humiliation, many have resolved to keep it to themselves

Business tycoons

One day I was interacting with a friend, a business tycoon, he was able to open up a little bit about his no money situation, although nobody may believe his tales of lack of finances considering his past and visible achievements.

Most opulent business tycoons are passing through difficulties they could only tell the depth and breathe of their predicaments, in other to maintain their prestige and the homage they enjoy from people who hail them because of their material acquisitions they have resolved to apply a covering up strategy.


Marriage should be honourable and bed undefiled says the Bible, Heb. 13: 4, many have rushed into it without adequate consideration of all the involvements, with the trend of squabbles in married homes today, I perceived in no distant time, the rate of divorce will exceed that of marriage, a great number of couples who professed that their marriage is heavenly made, God’s will, are covering up, waiting for an ample opportunity to filed for divorce. 1 Cor. 7: 26-28.

Juvenile delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is in increase in our societies and institutions, most of our youths are wasting their youthful ebullitions, God’s giving talents and resources; marauding, loitering about, practicing armed robbery, cultism, prostitution, and to crown it all, Covering Up in the name of being students.

A young teenager was pregnant and she covered it up from the eyes of people, by applying a technique that prevents people from discovering her situation, during labour she went to a nearby bush, an ant raiding area and delivered a bouncing baby boy and left him there, unfortunately for her and fortunately for the baby, two gentle men who were on clean up exercise within the location of this incident, discovered the baby and immediately alerted security agents on duty.

A search was conducted to fish out the culprit, during this, all the ladies within that environ were summoned, in the process of investigation, one of the teenagers was found with some spot of blood all over her body which after much interrogation she admitted to have being the brain behind the ugly dastardly, scandalous act. Incredible! What she had covered up from the eyes of people for nine months was discovered one day.

Bible says your sin must surely find you out, Num 32: 23. When Adam and Eve sinned the bible says in Gen. 3: 7 (NIV) they sowed fig tree and made coverings for themselves. How long will you continue to Cover Up, Hebrew 4: 13 says nothing is hidden before God, every thing is naked before Him, the book of Proverbs 28: 13 says, he who covers his sins shall not prospers, but he who confesses and renounces them shall find mercy 1 John 1: 9 says “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleans us from all unrighteousness”

Christian Dom:

there is a slogan in circulation in some churches that up hold and administered discipline, is true that they understood what the ten commandment is all about, and also the scripture said they should be no addition nor subtraction from the word of God, they went ahead to add some more commandments to suit their evil ways of life, which one of them is


thus you are free to live your life as it pleases you, if you like go ahead and cheat, fornicate, commit adultery, abortion, lie, hate, backbite, steal etc, but only do not let those in authority catch you up, this is also amongst the clergies and it is obviously COVERING UP IN THE HIGH PLACES.

Pretence kills, brethren do not die in silence, you need to open up as to be assisted appropriately, spiritually, physically, mentally, material, academically and otherwise,

One of the reasons we have more AIDS patients mainly in Africa today is because most people with HIV had refused to identified themselves or make it open to the appropriate quarters.

Stop covering up your decision to open up is an ample opportunity to deal with your case properly and be saved from the impending dangers ahead.

Falling Mighty men are rising again and the next could be you the bible says, the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploit Daniel 11: 32. Now we have heard the conclusion of the message, fear God and keep His commandment for this is our duty, for God will bring every deed to judgment, whether hidden or exposed, good or bad  








A powerful spiritual breeze stronger than tornado is blowing; marriages, good relationship, business moguls, giant of faith, men of valour and generals of God are falling apart, and the centre refuse to hold. This generation had witnessed many empires and kingdoms crashed. People of one voice, culture, vision. Nations that seems united are tearing apart, no more common agenda, dichotomy is now in increase, discriminations and racism seem to be dominant.

We once witnessed in my area an era of evil genius, hoodlums, burglars, gang of terrorist, people whose presence sent fear in the hearts of many, they were great in their evil deeds but at the peek of their evil acts, emerged another sect that says NO to evil and there was a great massacre, through their own means, the great and mighty evil geniuses were razed. This generation has witnessed people of honour, respect and integrity who at the end disappointed and betrayed trust, nevertheless some stood their ground to the end. Some were forcefully evacuated, massacred and killed,

Almost all the 12 disciples of Jesus suffered martyrdom; Stephen was stone to death under the supervision of Saul (Paul) who later repented on his way to Damascus to wipe out Christianity, James was beheaded by king Herod, Andrew was crucified, Philip was killed at Hierapolis, Bartholomew was beaten to death, Thomas was also killed near madras, Mathew was killed in Ethiopia, James the younger from Galilee was crucified in Egypt, Jude was killed in Persia, Simon the zealot was also crucified, Matthias was crucified in Ethiopia, Paul was beheaded in Rome at King Nero’s order, Peter was crucified head down, as demanded by him in Rome,

They are some other generals of God, who although saw death but were not afraid, is true they were stopped, killed and they died but their demise did not stopped the Word of God and his Church from progressing, the church and the word of God still move forward and the kingdom of hell shall not prevail (mtt 18:18)

In the battle people die, in spite of those fallen dead, the intrepid and brave ones move forward, fighting to finish regardless of the motionless ones.

Bible says in the book of Proverbs 24: 16 “a righteous man falls seven times and rises again”. Being a righteous man you are on a good course, if you fall rise again, dust yourself and budge on, you are not defeated until you admits it, Result can only be giving at the end of every competition; battle will never be over not until it is all over. For the fact you tried and fail it does not mean you will not succeed if you try again 

In the book of 2 Samuel 1: 17 -27 David laments how the mighty have fallen without knowing he was going to be the next victim. That is reason Paul said as written in the book of 1 Cor10:12 let him that thinks he stands be careful lest he falls

You may have the belief that genuine failure not orchestrated by human is a vicissitude of life but I said failure is never of God.

Peter was another valiant man, who has no space to fall apart from faith, this is a man who ate with Jesus, drank with Him, walked with Him on top of the sea, accompanied Him to the mount of transfiguration, witnessed many miracles performed by Him, last and not the least he was the one that professed that Jesus is the messiah, Christ the son of the living God, it was this same Peter that was applauded and commended by JESUS, that denounced Him three times, thus saying “I know Him not” (Mtt. 26: 69-75; Mk. 14: 66-72; Lk. 22: 54-62; Jon 18: 15-27).

Pressure and pleasure of the world have pushed so many to the ground, many brave powerful people of God are lying flat on the floor, beating beyond recognition and at the point of death by the devil. I want to let you know, the king of the jungle as we may say is  the Lion, which is a powerful animal, an animal that terrifies both human being and other creatures, to compare to a dog, its deeds are great, but when dead, nobody fears it again, it is useless. Bible says in the book of Ecc. 9: 4 that a living dog is better than a dead lion, for the fact when there is life there is hope, I add chance and opportunities

Listen brethren the odd situation you fund yourself in today is not your end, the worst you can do is to admit defeat and failure,

I have gone through the scriptures and I discovered that the people that could not make it to the end and perished were those who approached their situation negatively.

Some body like David sinned, when confronted with his evil deeds, he cried and pleaded for leniency and was forgiven.

Peter derailed and deviated from faith, when he came to his senses he also cried out with remorse and was pardoned.

That feeble Peter, a backslider, consequently was used in a mighty way to found a church; it was in one of his crusades unplanned, without publicity, advert that about three thousand men gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Acts 2: 40-41.

Church of nowadays, before we conduct evangelism there will be an enormous preparation and plans, such as printing of posters, handbills, billboards, radio, television, and internet adverts, all these things are good but what matters most is what we are able to achieve at the end, how many soul we were able to lead to Christ.

Peter was highly used by God, to the extent that sick people were brought into the streets laid on beds and mat so that at least Peter’s shadow might effect a healing on them as he passes by Acts 5:12-16.

Jacob the deceiver discovered his problem and battled it out with God and his craftiness was changed Gen 32:22-31

There are some other generals,’ people who were almost written off, abandoned, but God through His infinite mercy brought them up again, people like Gideon, Japhthah, Samson to mention but few (judges 6-7, judges 12:1-7, judges 16-28-30

Do not conclude yet that you are done with or God has finished with you.



Many of us need to tender apology to God, some have accused Him in many ways, after a long time of struggles, and battle to achieve our visions and nothing happens, we will draw a conclusion thus, “this is not the will of God or perhaps God has not assigned, destined or designed this for me”.

When we struggle or pursue a course and fail, is not salubrious enough to summarize that what we desire is not the will of God, Isaac dogged a well and it was taken away from him several times, could you just pause little bit to imagine the kind of trauma and painful condition he went through during this period? Nevertheless he was neither disorganized, discouraged nor concludes that, perhaps it is not the will of God, rather he laboured and at last succeeded (Gen 26:18-22)

Mark 7: 24-30 a woman came to Jesus and pleaded that He should heal her daughter, Jesus replied her in a way she may assume was too negative  “It is not wise to toss children’s food to the dogs” in other word Jesus was simply trying to ascertain the level of her faith, so shall our faith be tested one day, perhaps this woman had may had belong to a race that lacked  the importance and the value of Gods benevolence attitude, but the woman persisted and proved herself worthy, and at the end she got what she was looking for, persistence is recommendable in our every day life’s endeavours, some have dropped out from school, matrimonial homes, business and from their precious respective occupations and faith just because they were confronted by the storms of life.

Who said afflictions should not come, they must surface but bible says in the book of Psalm 34:19 many are the affliction of the righteous but God delivers him from all.

The disciples of Jesus went out to fish, under the supervision of a renowned and expert fisher man Peter, at the scene of fishing (Fishing Industry) they toiled the whole night and caught nothing, they must have implemented all their strategies and techniques of catching fish, but the result was too poor, in the morning when they were about to conclude the day’s business, Jesus came, and asked them to throw their net at the right hand side, Peter agued not, he did exactly what he was told, the bible says at the moment they caught numerous of fish they were unable to haul into their boat, at that moment their eyes opened to recognized this to be the handiwork of Jesus. 

May be over some days, weeks, months you have invested your time, money; energy, wisdom, natural, human resources and every thing remains as never been approached, you have noting to show for or account for, no achievement, I want to assure you that in every circumstance there is a vacuum for Jesus to help us in our struggles to survive, allow him to speak and to tell you the right thing to do, to say  and where to go as you obey his instructions  you shall never be disappointed because you did, remember that The bible says weeping may endure for the night but in the morning comes joy; there will be joy at the end. Persist to prevail even at the point of death. Psalm 30: 5





Variety they said is the spice of life.

Life is full of uncertainty, unpredictable, unless the secret things are divulged every thing remains adamant, unfathomable and stagnant, There is an axiomatic dictum that says that the world is not a bed of Roses, we are in the world where our future, inspiration, aspirations, expectation, goals, visions and destinies are under pressure by forces beyond our imagination and control, nothing is constant and stable in the world.

There are powers that wrestle vehemently to destabilize, and disorganize our visions, future and destiny. Often time man is pushed to the wall, drag to early grave, victimized by enemies of humanity, progress, success, and posterity.

Satan has been man’s worst enemy; he has numerous means he has scheduled to make life miserable and uncomfortable for man in the planet earth, when the mutiny of angels he led failed to unseat God and he was banished from heaven, so he began to roams about causing harassment, injuries, intimidation, he made life miserable and man to loses control over the creatures the moment man took advice from him and disobeyed God’s command Book of Job 1: 7; 1Peter 5:8. I give glory to God because man’s extremity of weakness is always His opportunity to help.

Hezekiah a renowned, dedicated, esteemed man of God was sick, when he heard that Isaiah the first class, noble and illustrious prophet of God was in his mansion, he must had expected a gentle, sweet, pleasant good news from him, but the reverse was the case, instead of some good tidings, what he heard was too devastating,


We actually know from the scriptures, God created everything in the world beautiful and intend man to live comfortably forever on earth, but the moment Satan deceived man, sickness and other calamities followed suit Genesis 3: 1-19; Roman 5: 12; 1 Cor 15:21. Paul would like to say to live is for Christ and to die is gain, Phil. 1: 21, this is true, but not every one who died, loves, where, when and how he died, this was the situation of Hezekiah when he was told you are about to die, his mouth soured, he was bitter because death came when he needed life most,

Some had passed away, lost love ones and opportunities when they are needed most, millions of people who disserved life have been deprived of it through abortion, accident, sickness, armed robbers, hired assassin, hunger and pleasure of the world.

To Hezekiah death came at the wrong time although a lot of bible scholars criticized the reaction of Hezekiah when he was told you are going to die, some say it was because of his agitation for more years that made him to have bad record. Your assumption may be right, but I would like you to follow me to look at it in this different positive perspective.

Bible records of people who died and were brought back to life, even though their lives were prolonged, but there was no bad record that followed

1. Lazarus was one of them John 11: 1-44

2 The widow’s son is another Luke 7: 12-15

3 What about Dorcas in Acts 9: 36-43

To mention but few, if Hezekiah chooses to contravened the law of God when his request was granted, it should be as a result of his not being faithful and wary and meticulous enough to adhere to the ordinances of God,

This is the problem with some of us; the moment God answers our prayers we become carried away by pleasures of the world. Whether we are needed now or 100 years ahead by God we must learn to be obedient to God's commandment, carefully following his precept.

I love the courage of Hezekiah, when it became obvious to him that he was going to die, he mustered courage, knowing fully that the messenger is never the author of the message but only an errand and he prayed to God who has the right to reverse every odd verdict, to change situations, conditions and time. Tenderly in humility and with some logical explanations, he was able to wins God’s consent, heart, and favour, immediately the disheartening message was aborted and his life prolonged.


Prayer at the point of death is the kind of prayer that goes with full, undivided attention and concentration. Some one was advising his son in a movie, he said to him, shed blood before you shed tears, by this he was encouraging his son to be courageous and never give up. Prayer at the point of death is a battle between life and death, between progress, success and failure, between, doom, calamity and blessing. Bible says in the book of Acts 2: 40 save your selves from this wicked generation, you don’t need to attribute everything that happens to the will of God,

It is much better you battle for your YES and If God said forever NO, beloved at this juncture you can say like Jesus, ‘‘Father let your will be done’’. Jesus prayed at the point of death and sweat that came out from his body was like drops of blood Book of Luke 22: 44; mark 14: 34-38; matt 26: 37-39.

I read from history what happened when America implored Japan to quit the 2nd world war conditionally, but they wouldn’t listen, and lives were been wasted, During this period America had manufactured the Atomic bomb and they were between two opinion, whether to use their last resort the Atomic bomb to stop the war within a short period at the same time save more lives or to fight on for longer days wasting more lives and recourses, at a point they took a decision to use their last resort the Atomic bomb, and when this was implemented it was so devastating that it brought the end of second world war. Japan surrendered unconditionally.

                       Your last resort as prayer

When death verdict was passed on against the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther 3: 13, Esther’s last resort was prayer Esther 4: 15-17 after this she obtained what she wouldn’t have had while the pioneer of their plight was hanged on the gallows he prepared against her uncle Modecia

When a vast army came against Jehoshaphat and the people of Judea their last resort was prayer after this, what followed was victory (2 Cro 20:1-30)

Samson at the point of death prayed and God granted him his request accordingly, and the number of his enemies he killed during his death became greater than those he killed when he was alive Judges 16: 28-30.

Because of Jonah’s disobedience he was swallowed by a fish, at the belly of the fish he prayed and God heard him and gave a command and he was vomited out Jonah 2:25

James was killed with sword by king Herod, when he saw that this pleases the Jews, his fan and admirers he went further to sized Peter, but the church said NO TO THIS FUTHER ADVANCMENT OF THE ENEMY, No more Lost of Life “the church prayed earnestly for Peter” God sent forth one of His angels and Peter was released alive Acts 12: 1-11 Brethren God can still answer even at the point of death, confusion, and in the time of what shall I do, where shall I go, Psalm 125: 1 says that those who put their trust in the lord are like mount Zion and they can never be removed: if your prayers are still unanswered Waite until they are answered, the book of Luke 24:29 says  Waite until you are endued with the power of the holy spirit





There are always price at the end of every competition, consolation prices come after major prices, it is very shameful and painful to go without price after a competition that is the reason people who are not opportune or liable to receive the major prices are being consoled with the consolation prices.

Israel was in a very low state of humiliation, most of the nations they’ve Conquered, are now on top, Ruling, and elevated above them. Their reputation of greatness is in shambles, other kingdoms are no longer afraid of them, No single nation terrifies or melts again at the mentioning of their name, This is exactly the situation of some people of God, clergies, families and churches, today cultists can easily manipulate some so called Christians

It is obvious that some of us are singing the Lords song in a strange land; demons can boldly say again Jesus I know, Paul know but who are you?

Church history has it that for about four hundred years they was no ''THUS SAID THE LORD’’ It was a time like that, a devout man of God Simieon, a man who understands the mind of God, and the scriptures, that God will never cast out his own forever (Luke 2:25-38) determined to wait for the consolation of Israel, it was been revealed to him that he will never see death until he has seen the MESSAIH, REDEMER, SAVIOUR AND THE EMACIPATOR of his people isrealite and of the world. (JESUS). [Isaiah 49:15. lamentation 3:31-32, psalm 94:14] beloved may you never see death not until you are consoled, not until you fulfil your God’s purpose in this world, not until your generation wittiness a tremendous glory of God in your life.  

Our Generation needs devout dedicated people of God, people who will stand at the gap and wait until our consolations are received, Our generation needs Ambassadors of Jesus, who can attract the presence and divine revelation of God, We need Generals, Presidents, Lawyers, and Ministers of the gospel, Lecturers, who will be willing to speak out the mind of God in any circumstance or condition. Such are needed in our Families, Churches, Schools, Armed forces, none and Governmental organizations.

Don’t be tired of waiting, destiny delayed is not destiny denied. Bible says the vision or the revelation is for an appointed time although it may tarry wait for it. Habakkuk 2:3.
The book of Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they will soar on wing like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, and they will walk and not be faint.

Elijah had problem with Ahab after destroying the prophets of Baal, which I called land cleansing or saturation, he then told Ahab to go for celebration, yes’ the elimination of evil should call for celebration, the victory of Jesus over principalities and powers should call for celebration, for this reason we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ because this brought us victory over sin and powers of darkness 1john 4:4

After the destruction of the prophets of Baal, Elijah climbed to the top of mount camel bent down to the ground puts his face between his kneels, there is no doubt that this attitude or mode of prayer helps for concentration.

He was there invoking, calling, pulling down, the power, glory and the blessings of God, Just think when last you subjected yourself to this extent as to meditate, cogitate, assimilate, imbibe, eat, cultivate, consult and commune with God.

Is too appalling that some of us have lost total contact with God, often do some of us need him only when we are in trouble.

Seven times at the mount of camel did Elijah sent out his servant to observe the outcome of his prayers, we should equally learn to keep note of the occurrences surrounding our intercessions,

Peter was locked up in the prison and the church prayed earnestly for him and God sent his Angel to release him and as he came knocking at the door little did disciples of Jesus know that their pray has been answered, the book of acts………

Each time the servant goes out and comes in he never gives a good report, his feedback was always negative and contrary to Elijah’s expectations ‘I saw noting’ his feedback is indeed provoking, irritating and discouraging to a natural man but Elijah was not perturbed because he sees beyond ordinary and he knew that God disappoints not

Beloved when we fast, pray and sacrificially served God and our expectations for so doing seem not to surface we should not lose confidence, no need to say God is not concerned, God is really doing something. When noting is happening in the physical it does not means noting is happening in the spiritual because the physical affairs are been controlled in the spiritual, God controls the affairs of kingdom of men and gives it to which he pleases, Book of Daniel 4:35.

At last on the seventh time the servant went out and came back with a Good news that he saw a cloud like a man’s palm rising from the sea

Yes this is what Elijah has been waiting for; he saw it and he knew that although it may tarry but must surely surface, he then instructed his servant to tell Ahab to hitch up his chariot and go home because the great expectations, the rain that has ceased to come for about three and half years is about to come, Ahab hesitates not to mounts on his chariot and drove all the way to Jezreel leaving Elijah behind, one with God is majority; God never abandons Elijah, rather he poured his power upon him and Elijah with leg raced ahead of Ahab, think about you controlling, being in charge, over those who are above you intellectually, financially in business, in the society and in the government. The scripture really said we shall be the head and not the tail, Book of Deut 28:13

It may seem that your predecessors, contemporaries are ahead of you or have received the best and the major prices, but I want to announce to you that what they have received as the best may not be the best. There is an adage that says ‘he who laughs last laughs best and a patient dog eat the fattest bone’. The gifts of God and Jesus are forever and it is the best gift so far. Jesus is the consolation of the world; Jesus Christ is the hope of glory Col 1:27 after a terrible damage had been done in the world, families, business, marriages, societies, Governments, communities and in peoples lives by Satan and his co agents, Jesus came for reparation, reconciliation, and resuscitation his work and services to man kind are enormous. He came that we may have life John 10:10.
He came to destroy the work of the enemies 1 John 3:8.
He came so that those in darkness will see light.
He came to deliver the oppressed Luke 4:18.

He came that we may be rich 2 Cor8: 9.






JOHN 5: 2-9

I perceived that, the reason people sought for help is to be assisted where they are handicapped. Bible told us about a pool in which invalids received their healing, on the condition of the first to enter when the water is stirred. Right there lays a crippled man who has been there for about 38 years, 38 years of waiting for an opportunity to be healed by getting into the water, is not 38 years of being an invalid man. Invariably he might have been an invalid before learning about the healing pool.

Brethren I advise that you should keep waiting upon the Lord your miracle is on the way; some people are born invalid and some by accidental occurrences. Whether by accidental occurrence or natural phenomenon, we should not loose hope of being alright, imbibe the culture of waiting, one day you shall be consoled.


When Jesus approached the man and inquired from him if he needs to be healed, his response was “I don’t have anybody to take me to the water when it is been stirred’’ LISTEN MY DEAR YOU DON’T NEED EVERYBODY TO SUCCEED IN LIFE BUT YOU NEED JESUS ABSOLUTLY TO SURVIVE,

Many do complain how they can not be helped by their many well to do friends and relations, God may allow them to treat you the way they do so that you can from your misfortunes proven Gods faithfulness more so have testimonies.

Most a times we are being carried away by the cares of life to the extent we answer questions out of point, brethren we should not allow anxiety and troubles of life to control our emotion, reasoning prowess and thinking faculty as to circumvent mincing words.

The reply of this invalid man is not new among us, most of us have answered in such a passionate manner I have no body, this could be analyzed in many ways such as I have no assistant, helper, men of influence and affluence, erudite, high ranking personalities, opulent person, I am just alone, or handicapped to help myself

Really he saw the inability of people to help him, may be at the same time people’s lack of interest to help him out.


Its evident, sometimes the solution to our problem may be within us, right before us while we consult and look for solution where they are not, as some have descended to low to consult mediums, Here is Jesus the solution of the man’s problem asking if he needs healing, his problem to be solved but unfortunately he answered amiss and began to narrate how people have been marginalizing, suppressing, preventing and stopping him from receiving his blessings and miracles from the pool. We should endeavour to be sensitive to ascertain the availability of the solution to our problem at every giving time. Jacob said ‘‘Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it” Gen. 28: 15; in other words God has been with him, but he knew it not, One day he discovered this and it was awesome through out his life

The Psalmist lifted up his eyes to the hills, (Hills) here can be referred as well to do high profiled noble and illustrious personalities, or people of influence, affluence, great warriors, and physicians. It’s quite true he had been receiving help, now he had to puts himself to self-examination so he asked. (Psalm 121: 1-2) 


Verse 2, there was a divine illumination that prompted him to feed himself back positively and he then answered and said my help comes from God. God should be at the centre of our struggles, no matter the calibre of people we have, God should not be equate with any one, It is true that most often He uses human instrumentality to accomplish His task 1 Cor. 1: 27-29, but before he does this we must have communicated to Him, either by actions or verbally.

It is quite true that the invalid man failed to recognize the charnel and the source to the end of his problem, but Jesus did not hold this as a charge against him rather through compassion healed him. The final decision depends on God to choose on how to solve our problems DON’T LOSE HOPE GOD IS AWARE OF YOUR PROBLEM.







I have begin to wonder what exactly would happen for people to take precautionary measure against the activities of Satan and his co agents in their lives, families, in the church, and in the societies

Many have lost their lives, love ones; riches, wealth, good health, appointments opportunities, or positions out of careless demeanour and nonchalant attitude, they are certain home; road; air, sea accidents that are uncalled for. Certain miscarriages, premature deaths, birth, bareness and conception are due to our wanton and selfish behaviour. Most of the accidents on record today are as a result of reckless driving, drunkenness and drug addict, some transmitted diseases are well articulated disseminated or transferred

A notorious armed rubber was interrogated why he loves killing people during operations; he said “I love the way they danced before giving up the ghost” wickedness! A man promised to help a young lady to get a Job, only to take her where she was drugged, and got her eyes gorged out for ritual. A ritual who deals on human parts was apprehended and his house was bunt, he made terse statement that stupefied me, in his comment, he said if the source of some people’s wealth within his environs would be investigated what happened to him wouldn’t had happened to him, by this he meant many illustrious people are into the Business, what a wicked generations? You should not be Amazed to be informed that many who called themselves prophets of God or ministers of the Gospel are into ritual, some have gone to witch doctors for acquisition of power

If you are conversant with the world war history, there was a time Hitler attacked Joseph Stalin disregarding the non-aggression pact they had signed that the two countries, German and then USSR will never be at war.

When the news of the invasion came to Joseph Stalin, he neglected, disbelieved and dismissed every report about the invasion, and left to his villa, but when it became obvious to him that they were under attack, his enemies had taking the advantage of his delay to react on time to advanced by October 1941 as close to Moscow as 15 miles.

The Holy Spirit convicted a young boy of his sin he came and confessed that he has been having sexual intercourse with his blood biological sister, he confessed because he was tired of this detestable attitude and the burden of sin over weighs him down,

One day as prayers was going on in the church a young teenager sees it an opportunity to disseminates his love letter

It perturbs me to hear that homosexual is now legal in some countries and it is been welcomed and applauded by some clergies.

People are going contrary to God’s standard and statue as regards to these things; women meeting women, some stooped to low to meet dogs, animals, while some men are going for the same sex for sexual gratification this is too BAD!!

Most of the odd situations such as bankruptcy, business failures, academic backwardness, broken marriages and homes experienced today… are as a result of our negligence; Some, cataclysm, disaster and evil have occurred just because we refused to react when necessary. History will never cease to repeat it self when people forget their past and the people that forget their past are doomed to repeat it, engulfed and be consumed by it

We read about the ship that sailed from UK to New York, “Titanic” it was out of sheer negligence that made the ship to wreck, in spite of all the warnings they received concerning the ice berg nothing was done to avert the danger, also more lives were lost because there were not enough life boat in the ship. It is true that some disaster are natural phenomenon, but if we will take time

to review history of tragic events, we will come to comprehend that most of these disaster recorded are man made, caused out of Negligence which are been manipulated and designed in the spiritual world before it is been carried out in the physical

Our society is full of evil, hatred, assassins, armed robbers, rituals homosexuals, lesbians, masturbators, fornicators, adulterers, frauds, idol worshipers, false prophets, drunkards, deceivers, lovers of pleasure than the things of God, to mention but few.

Let just take a look into scriptures and see what God has to say concerning these things

Rubbery Exod 20:15, Matt 19: 18, Eph 4:28, Rev 21:8 Ritual Idol worship Rom 1:23, Lev 18:21, Deut 12:31, 2 kings 16:3, 2 Chr28: 3, Jer19: 5, Psalm 106:36-40, Jer16: 20 False prophets and deceits: 2Peter 2:1; Matt 24:5,11; Matt7: 15; Pro19:5 2Eph5: 6; 1Peter2: 1; Lev19: 11 Drunkenness: Eph5: 18; Pro 23:21; 1Cor6: 10; 1 Peter 4:3; Rom 13:13; Gal 5:21 Sexual morality, Homosexual: Lesbians Fornicators Adultery: Levi 18:6-20; 22-23 Hebrew 13:4; Galatia 5:19; 1Cor 6:13; 1 Cor 10:8; Rev 22:15

There are certain people in life that are fed up of being associated with evil activities, but lack the ability to disengage them selves from them, some are being enslaved tormented, disturbed and troubled by demons day and night, their hearts are filled with fear about their future, terror of death and incessant attack of the enemy overwhelms them everyday, some are being used unaware or forcefully

The bible says in the books of Act 16:16-18 Paul and Silas were on theirs way to the prayer house they met a girl whs has a complex problem, she was a slave to men and Demons, she predicts the future through devilish means, she also makes a lot of money by this way, when she saw Paul and Silas she began to shout and disturb them with unnecessary introductions, recognitions, and publicity she disturbed and troubled them for many days. One day Paul became furious and worried about the devilish acts and disturbances, in cantankerous mood he rebuked the Demon out from her and that was the end of the Demonic manipulations, and Devilish Business activities. This generation may not mind or bothered themselves with the source of what they received as blessings; all they are after are miracles, prosperity signs and wonders, regardless of where they emanated:

Unless we react Satan will continuo to unleash his nefarious Evil activities in our lives, society, and in the church.

Bible said in the Book of Luke 10:19 we have been given the authority to trample on snakes, scorpions and power over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing will harm us.

More so the Book of Matt 18:18 says that what ever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. BELOVED, I believe it is time to excise and utilize the authority God has giving us in a more tremendous way to stop all these mess God has giving us the power to stop and to end all the agenda, manipulations, and the intrigues of the enemies. Most children of God are romancing the devil,

We don’t need to romance the enemy, neither do we need to pet him nor dialogued with him, Bible says rebuke the devil and he will flee. James 4:7 Do not wait before pastor comes to pray for you, PRAY to deliver your self from this wicked generation with the ability God has giving you, note when we refuse to respond to our godly responsibilities we give approval to evil



                 STOP GIVING APPROVAL

                               TO EVIL

And Saul Was There Giving Approval To His Death [Acts 8:1]
On a prayer meeting, I was putting on beautiful T- shirt polo, without any Consideration or thought on the advert placed on it. e.g. (Hell lager beer is right for you) 
At the heat of the prayer camp meeting, somebody walked straight to me and asked if the alcoholic drink is right for me, drawing my attention to the write up on the polo T- shirt, I was so sorry for causing somebody to slumber through what is writhen on my cloth, it is true that I cherished the shirt so much, but because the advert placed on it is sending wrong signal, distracting someone’s attention, I had to remove it, despite how much I loved it.

People sometimes send wrong signal consciously, knowing, most often unconsciously or unknowingly, thereby giving approval and room for evil occurrences and deeds, being ignorance of the law doesn’t makes one guiltless of the Law or the offence committed. One may not openly support evil but in his heart he approves it. We give approval to certain damages and lost of lives; when we are reluctant to pray against evil signals, say, scold when necessary or as may be demanded of us by God. Some people are not terrorist suicide bombers but they do finance it, listen for the fact you are financing evil you are an evil doer. God is not going to judges us by the content of our colour but by the content of character.

Promotion of food that are tocsin to the body, diabolic films, seductive wears, concerts, lectures, traditions and cultures are ways of giving approval to people spiritual and physical death.
Paul can really eat anything edible without condemnation, despite that he said if what I eats, makes my brother  stumbles I better abstain from it. (1Cor8:13).
In this wicked generation, Some Christians, clergies, and most especially secular leaders do not bother to ascertain the feelings of their neighbours, subjects or counterpart. They are introverts, self-seeking, self centred. Rom 1:32

Brethren, we need to  paused a little bit to ask ourselves what is our mission in our families, church, communities, offices and in this generation. God said in book of Eze.3:17-21.
''Son of man I have made you a watch man, so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
When I say to a wicked man or a righteous man that went astray “You must surely die’’ and you didn’t warn or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life. That wicked man or righteous man that went astray will die for his sins and I will hold you accountable for his blood''……………………. Brethren, we need to check ourselves,

Sometimes we strive to guard ourselves from involving or committing those sins that are well spelled out or pronounced, giving little attention to those sins we assumed they are not serious, what we assumed that is not serious can cause an irreparable catastrophe or damage in our lives, societies and the generation to come






Bible rightly said in the last day love of many will grow cold, matt 24:12 Many believers in Christ are marking time, in statues quo, complacent in Zion and devil has taking the advantage of their complacency to carry out his fiercely nefarious activities in an unprecedented manner both in the church and in the society

Some Years ago, I read from a book written by Ron Aunch Titled ¨Church in Crises¨ an intriguing and sizzling story, that says South Koreans are winning soul to Christ at such an alarming rate that makes the birth rate into Christianity exceeds that of natural birth rate. The story went ahead to say if this continues in its present rate in no distance time every South Korean citizen would become a Christian, why? South Koreans are doing through prayer what some countries are trying to do today through technology and affluence

We read in the Bible, Christian Literatures, heard in news and are opportune to witnessed some incredible stunning and splendid miracles wroth by God’s generals through prayer


Through prayer insurmountable, insolvent problems were solved and surmounted, shackles, bronze, bars of irons, rigid protocols, and laws were broken without apology, lives were transformed, mountains, and crooked ways were levelled and made straight, natural laws were violated for good and histories created.

On this note, I pray we should be impaled to make a positive impact and change in our generation through fervent, Intensive prayer and through every other Gods deposits at our disposal

Book of Acts 3:1-10 took time to present a gate which its beauty took over its real name ¨¨gate¨¨ Instead of been called gate, it was called BEAUTIFUL. Most of the things we do today have taken over our names, but how I wish that will be a good thing, good behaviour, and attitude.

Bible also took time to narrate horrible thing that was going wrong behind the gate, so called (BEAUTIFUL) In fact behind the beautiful gate lays a man crippled from birth, a person with a critical, painful and disheartening situation.

Many had been giving befitting burial with some beautiful and expensive coffins, I know somebody who was buried along with money and some expensive jewellery, all these things sound fascinating, but none of them makes the dead to come back to life or determined destinies

It should not Amazed you that some edifice beautiful magnificent church buildings and sanctuaries you see to day are noting but mortuaries, when Jesus visited Jerusalem and meet the dignified, venerated temple of God in such horrible and detestable condition. Imagined an esteemed house of God turned to a house of extortion, den of rubbers, marauder, buglers, with anger he chased them away, and cautioned.


Our Title, reputation in the society may sound beautiful, and great, it may be pleasing to bag all the chieftaincy and secular titles in the world.

But the most imperative of all is how we have been able to utilize our positions, gifts, affluence, influence and good offices as rich, wealthy people, erudite, bishops, arch bishops or ministers of the gospel to effect a positive change in the lives of the less privileges and sinners around us. We should understand that what we claimed to be and the assumptions of people, what people say we are may not be true, rather whom we know we are.


The Bible made us to understand in the books of Psalm 139:14 and Ecc 3:11, that everything God made is beautiful, perfect, wonderful and good,


You can believe with me that some beautiful ladies are today wasting their beauty in the streets and hotels for prostitutions, like wise some men who are endowed with handsomeness and awful potentials, we are in the world where nefarious activities of the enemies increases daily, where people misuse their opportunities, using their exalted positions to undue their subjects and for selfish end, this is not Gods intension for creating man, he expects us to use our ability and blessings to serve him


God allows us irrespective of our colour, race, language and position, whether black or white slave or free, leader or servant, poor or rich to exercise our will power according to the book of Deut 30:19, Joshua24: 15


Its true that we have the right to chose the way we would love to live our lives, but for the fact we are accountable to God for every life spent (Romans 14:12, Heb4:13 , Matt 12:36 , Rom 3:19 Ecc 12:13-14 ) we must endeavour to be careful the way we exercise our will power

Paul said in the Book of 1Cor 9:27

I beat my body and make it my slave so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the price.

Let us be very wary, careful and meticulous enough to see that we utilize the knack, ability position, the privileges, opportunity and the deposits God has bestowed on us to serve him wisely, more so to impact a positive change in our generation and in the lives of people within our environs and be yond. Through our prayer and other abilities at our reach I know we can do it. It is true attitudinal changes are by no means easy to achieve, but I believe with God all things are possible.(Math 19-26) 


When Peter and John met the crippled man behind the gate called BEAUTIFUL, they were able to beautify the man’s condition through the name of Jesus, by making him to walk.

Around us today are mendicants, handicaps, people without Christ, hope and future, people our condition is far better than theirs, both spiritually, materially and other wise, it is God’s earnest desire and expectations that we should assist, help these people as much as we can and even beyond our ability 2 cor 8:3

We may not have this gift of healing but I believe we are richly blessed and endowed by other potentials, such as wisdom, knowledge influence, affluence, power, etc

Brethren you are just like an untapped but potential plant so vivacious with lush of green leaves and bright petals

PRAYER; God help me to use the abilities you have giving me to populate your kingdom and depopulate the kingdom of hell, more so to make a positive change in my generation through the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ,

In Jesus name I pray Amen

Church News





Congratulations to the Wilsons on their new baby girl, Brianna.

Congratulations to the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Mike Glover.